Reconstructive dentistry is a general term for any extensive oral rehabilitation requiring several dental specialists. When the treatment is cosmetically oriented, treatment is sometimes termed a smile makeover. Our group practice is an ideal setting for reconstructive dentistry as we have five dentists and three hygienists on our staff, and can offer any combination of periodontal, endodontic, implant, Invisalign and cosmetic treatment in one easy to navigate setting with no insurance conflicts between doctors and no complicated referrals to outside offices. As a private practice our doctors are highly trained talented and passionate individuals from top programs who collaborate to develop seamless treatment plans for efficient care and superior patient outcomes.
Oral rehabiltation with cosmetics is nothing short of life changing. The health benefits are clear, as often the patient is taken off the road of significant oral infection and major tooth loss. Yet the improved self esteem, enhanced self image, increased social confidence, and reduced anxiety and stress are equally important. It can even lead to career advancement as the patient will appear more approachable, confident and trustworthy.
Here are a few examples of the transformations possible with cosmetic dentistry at Greater Boston Dental.
Imagine Yourself with a More Beautiful Smile
Greater Boston Dental Center can improve your smile. Contact us today!